P.O. Box 107 ~ 12-457 Road P3, Napoleon, Ohio 43545

Telephone:  (419) 599-7010  ~  Fax:  (419) 599-7020



     To get an idea of just how much MSI can save throughout your plant, just add the required numbers to the following equations.  The percentages used below represent a conservative estimate of potential savings based on extensive field experience.



A medium-sized stamping plant's monthly electrical costs total $198,800.  Typically, electromechanical costs (all electrical costs excluding lights and heat) account for 75 to 90% of the total bill, so 83% (average) or $165,000 is assumed for this example.


Benefits (125% R.O.I. Guaranteed)

Average Monthly Electro-Mechanical Costs


Electrical Energy Savings (5% of electro-mech. costs)

165,000 x .05 =


Quality, Production, Maintenance Savings (20% of electro-mech. costs)

165,000 x .20 = 


     Estimated Monthly Savings



     Estimated Annual Savings



MSI Program Costs



(Average = 16% of estimated annual savings)



     Estimated Annual Net Savings



R.O.I. (Annual Savings/Cost)




Let me calculate MY plant savings:  CALCULATOR (Excel   


   How Do I Obtain More Information

     For information on becoming a distributor or if you would like to try MSI’s products, call MSI at (419) 599-7010 or by E-mail at MSI@Bright.net. 


Macro Specialty Industries, Inc.
     Copyright © 2000 Macro Specialty Industries, Inc. All rights reserved.

Revised: February 16, 2004